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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday, September 25

Math - fraction handout #1 due tomorrow; handout #2 (Mixed numbers) ODD numbers due tomorrow; EVEN numbers due Monday; Test Tuesday

Religion - Lunch Prayer quiz tomorrow; God's Existence Test Wednesday

Science - 7.2 Content assessment tomorrow; handout due tomorrow; test next Friday

Grammar - Day 3 due tomorrow

Reading - ReadWorks Viking Ships due tonight

Vocab - Lesson 2C tomorrow; spelling quiz tomorrow; Vocab 1-2 Review #1 due Monday

Media - Terry Fox Timeline due October 11

Writing - Into the Wind Paragraph Outline due Monday (point form!); rough draft due Thursday

Geography - Map of Canada due October 18

Art - Terry Fox Shoe due October 1; Dictionary Art due October 8

Health - Food Guide Part 2 handout due Monday

Reminders - bring in art materials to work on your shoe, dictionary and/or beginning your timeline; Terry Fox Run tomorrow ... wear red/white

Prayer - O God, who founded all the commands of your sacred Law upon love of you and of our neighbor, grant that, by keeping your precepts, we may merit to attain eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.