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Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16 - Feast of Sts. Cyprian & Cornelius

Math - Chapter 1 Review handout tomorrow; Assessment tomorrow on Rational/Irrational/Absolutes & Simplifying Radicals 

Science - Gizmo Lab Activity C due tomorrow (last period to work on it tomorrow); Open Lab Wednesday; 7.2 puzzle assessment tomorrow; p.202 #1-4, 6 due Wednesday

Religion - Coat of Arms presentations continue tomorrow; handout due last Thursday

Vocab - Lesson 2 comprehension assessment tomorrow; Lesson 1A Classic due Wednesday

Grammar - Compound Subject/Predicate Side B due tomorrow

Health - Canada Food Guide questions due Wednesday; "Junk Food" ReadWorks due this weekend

Reading - Parts of Story Test Friday

Writing - "The Street Stops Here" questions due next Monday via Google Classroom

Reminders - Walking Forms

Prayer - O God, who gave Saints Cornelius and Cyprian to your people as diligent shepherds and valiant Martyrs, grant that through their intercession we may be strengthened in faith and constancy and spend ourselves without reserve for the unity of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.