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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Friday, October 4 - Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

Math - p.55 Guided Learning and Let's Practice questions #1-8 due tomorrow; Mulitplication assessment Tuesday 

Grammar - Assessment Tuesday Days 1-10

Health - Canada Food Guide Test Monday (focus on both homework handouts)

Vocab - Lesson 3C & D due Monday; spelling quiz Monday

Geography - ReadWork "Desert ..." due Tuesday; Map due October 18

Science - 8.1 puzzle due Monday; Volume Gizmo Activity A due Monday

Writing - Into the Wind Paragraph Final copy due Monday along with title page, rough copy, outline and brainstorm ... see checklist

Religion - Trinity handout due Monday

Art - Dictionary Art due Tuesday

Prayer -  O God, by whose gift Saint Francis was conformed to Christ in poverty and humility, grant that, by walking in Francis' footsteps, we may follow your Son, and, through joyful charity, come to be united with you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday, October 3

Math - fractions handout due tomorrow

Grammar - Days 9 & 10 due tomorrow

Vocab - Lesson 3A and B due tomorrow

Geography - Map of Canada due October 18; ReadWorks due Tuesday

Art - Dictionary Art due Tuesday

Religion - Trinity handout due Monday

Health - Canada Food Guide Test Monday

Writing - Into the Wind Paragraph final copy due Monday

Science - Volume Gizmo Activity A due Monday

Reminder - Portfolio due today; School-Day Dance payment

Prayer -  O God, who manifest your almighty power above all by pardoning and showing mercy, bestow, we pray, your grace abundantly upon us and make those hastening to attain your promises heirs to the treasures of heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday, October 1 - Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux

Math - multiplication handout due tomorrow; Add/Subtracting Fractions assessment tomorrow 

Grammar - Day 6 due tomorrow

Art - Dictionary art due October 8

Geography - Map of Canada (see Google Classroom for details) due October 18

Media/Writing - T. Fox Timeline due October 11

Writing - Into the Wind Paragraph Rough draft due Thursday; Final Copy due Monday ... see checklist

Science - Test Friday Chapter 7

Religion - Existence of God Test tomorrow

Reminders - Portfolio #1 due Thursday; Dance School-Day form and payment

Prayer - O God, who open your Kingdom to those who are humble and to little ones, lead us to follow trustingly in the little way of Saint Thérèse, so that through her intercession we may see your eternal glory revealed. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday, September 30 - Feast of St. Jerome

Math - Test tomorrow on Numbers, Factors, Rational/Irrational, Roots/Radicals, GCF/LCM, and Scientific Notation; multiplying fractions (cross-cancel) ... you can leave your answer in improper form

Grammar - Day 5 due tomorrow 

Vocab - Lesson 1 & 2 Comprehension assessment tomorrow

Art - Terry Fox Shoe due tomorrow; Dictionary art due October 8

Geography - Map of Canada (see Google Classroom for details) due October 18

Media/Writing - T. Fox Timeline due October 11

Writing - Into the Wind Paragraph Rough draft due Thursday; Final Copy due Monday ... see checklist

Science - textbook p.204 #1,5,6,9,12,13 due tomorrow; Test Friday Chapter 7

Religion - Existence of God Test Wednesday

Reminders - Portfolio #1 due Thursday; Dance School-Day form and payment

Prayer - O God, who gave the Priest Saint Jerome a living and tender love for Sacred Scripture, grant that your people may be ever more fruitfully nourished by your Word and find in it the fount of life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday, September 26 - Feast of Sts. Cosmas & Damien

Math - Fraction Mixed Numbers EVEN #s due Monday; Test Tuesday

Vocab - Lesson 1 and 2 Review Exercise 1 due Monday; Lesson 1 & 2 comprehension assessment Tuesday 

Grammar - Day 4 due Monday

Media - Terry Fox Timeline due October 11

Religion - Test Wednesday

Science - Chapter 7 review handout due Monday; Test Friday

Geography - Canadian Political Map due October 18

Health - Canada Food Guide Handout Part 2 due Monday

Art - Terry Fox Shoe due October 1; Dictionary Art due October 8

Writing - Paragraph Outline due Monday; Rough draft due Thursday

Prayer - May you be magnified, O Lord, by the revered memory of your Saints Cosmas and Damian, for with providence beyond words you have conferred on them everlasting glory, and on us, your unfailing help. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday, September 25

Math - fraction handout #1 due tomorrow; handout #2 (Mixed numbers) ODD numbers due tomorrow; EVEN numbers due Monday; Test Tuesday

Religion - Lunch Prayer quiz tomorrow; God's Existence Test Wednesday

Science - 7.2 Content assessment tomorrow; handout due tomorrow; test next Friday

Grammar - Day 3 due tomorrow

Reading - ReadWorks Viking Ships due tonight

Vocab - Lesson 2C tomorrow; spelling quiz tomorrow; Vocab 1-2 Review #1 due Monday

Media - Terry Fox Timeline due October 11

Writing - Into the Wind Paragraph Outline due Monday (point form!); rough draft due Thursday

Geography - Map of Canada due October 18

Art - Terry Fox Shoe due October 1; Dictionary Art due October 8

Health - Food Guide Part 2 handout due Monday

Reminders - bring in art materials to work on your shoe, dictionary and/or beginning your timeline; Terry Fox Run tomorrow ... wear red/white

Prayer - O God, who founded all the commands of your sacred Law upon love of you and of our neighbor, grant that, by keeping your precepts, we may merit to attain eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday, September 24

Math - Scientific Notation handout due tomorrow; Fraction handout due Thursday; Sci Notation assessment tomorrow; Chapter 1 & 2 test Monday

Vocab - Lesson 2B due tomorrow

Grammar - Day 2 due tomorrow

ReadWorks - Vikings due tomorrow

Media - Start Brainstorming ideas for your Terry Fox timeline (up to 3 people in a group)

Science - 7.2 content assessment Thursday; Water Phase Gizmo Form have in class tomorrow

Religion - Lunch Prayer quiz Thursday; Test next Tuesday

Art - Terry Fox Shoe due October 1

Health - Canada Food Guide Par 2 worksheet due Monday

Reminders - tomorrow purple clothing if you have it to bring awareness about Concussion Prevention and Safety - Rowan's Law; Terry Fox Run Thursday; Office Admin Forms

Prayer -  O God, who founded all the commands of your sacred Law upon love of you and of our neighbor, grant that, by keeping your precepts, we may merit to attain eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday, September 23 - Feast of St. Pio

Math - relook at handout from last Friday (Lesson 2 and 3); today's handout on scientific notation (ignore lesson 3 on the right); Math Assessment on Wednesday on Scientific Notation

Science - 7.2 Content assessment Thursday; Water Gizmo Lab Complete by Wednesday

Grammar - Day 1 due tomorrow

Vocab - Spelling quiz 1 tomorrow; Lesson 2A due tomorrow

Writing - The Street Stops Here due tonight via Google Classroom

Health - ReadWorks overdue; please you have the Canada Food Guide questions answers

Reading - ReadWorks Viking Ships due Wednesday

Religion - Lunch Prayer quiz Thursday

Reminders - makeup Curriculum Night on Wednesday at 6:00pm before Parent Council

Prayer - Almighty ever-living God, who, by a singular grace, gave the Priest Saint Pius a share in the Cross of your Son and, by means of his ministry, renewed the wonders of your mercy, grant that through his intercession we may be united constantly to the sufferings of Christ, and so brought happily to the glory of the resurrection. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday, September 17 - Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine

Math - GCF handout all due tomorrow; LCM handout ODD due tomorrow, EVEN due Thursday  

Grammar - Compound Subject/Predicate assessment Thursday

Vocab - Lesson 1A due tomorrow; Spelling quiz Thursday

Health - Canada Food Guide questions due tomorrow; "Junk Food" ReadWorks due this weekend

Reading - Parts of Story Test Friday

Writing - "The Street Stops Here" questions due next Monday via Google Classroom

Science - Open Lab Wednesday; p.202 #1-4, 6 due Wednesday

Reminders - Walking Forms overdue; Parent Package ... please ensure all necessary parts are signed :)

Prayer - O God, who adorned the Bishop Saint Robert Bellarmine with wonderful learning and virtue to vindicate the faith of your Church, grant, through his intercession, that in the integrity of that same faith your people may always find joy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16 - Feast of Sts. Cyprian & Cornelius

Math - Chapter 1 Review handout tomorrow; Assessment tomorrow on Rational/Irrational/Absolutes & Simplifying Radicals 

Science - Gizmo Lab Activity C due tomorrow (last period to work on it tomorrow); Open Lab Wednesday; 7.2 puzzle assessment tomorrow; p.202 #1-4, 6 due Wednesday

Religion - Coat of Arms presentations continue tomorrow; handout due last Thursday

Vocab - Lesson 2 comprehension assessment tomorrow; Lesson 1A Classic due Wednesday

Grammar - Compound Subject/Predicate Side B due tomorrow

Health - Canada Food Guide questions due Wednesday; "Junk Food" ReadWorks due this weekend

Reading - Parts of Story Test Friday

Writing - "The Street Stops Here" questions due next Monday via Google Classroom

Reminders - Walking Forms

Prayer - O God, who gave Saints Cornelius and Cyprian to your people as diligent shepherds and valiant Martyrs, grant that through their intercession we may be strengthened in faith and constancy and spend ourselves without reserve for the unity of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.